Welcome Retirees!
We hope you find this site useful with quick access to vital information for managing your retirement lifestyle. In the future you will find important announcements and updates affecting City of Phoenix Retirees here on this page. If there is something you would like to see, or comments you would like to make, feel free to contact a board member by email or telephone.
RE: Non-Medicare Medical Retiree Plans Sunset
Reminder: The non-Medicare medical retiree plans will end and no longer be available on December 31, 2025. However, if the City is unable to procure re-insurance (stop loss) and/or enrollment falls below a threshold where costs are no longer sustainable, the plans would end sooner than December 31, 2025. This does not affect the Medicare plans offered by UHC.
Closer to the sunset date, the City will partner with benefits consultants and insurance carriers to offer education and trainings on how to navigate enrolling in a non- Medicare plan offered through the federal marketplace.
Update: Category Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (MERP), will no longer be available once the non-Medicare retiree plans end because the benefit is tied to enrollment in a City retiree non-Medicare medical plan. This will not impact Basic MERP or Supplemental MERP. Please see the benefits book for more information on these benefits.
The City will continue offering information sessions to answer questions regarding the non-Medicare medical retiree plans. Visit the phoenix.gov/benefits retiree website for up[1]to-date information regarding City of Phoenix retiree health plans updates and future scheduled events.
If you have additional questions, you can contact the City’s Benefits Office via email at benefits.questions@phoenix.gov or by phone at 602-262-4777. Or visit our website at www.phoenix.gov/benefitsretiree
Medicare 101 – Navigating the Complexities
The Area Agency on Aging’s SHIP Programs can help you navigate the complexities of Medicare. Learn how they can provide local, in-depth, and objective insurance counseling and assistance to Medicare-eligible individuals, their families, and caregivers. This workshop and others are provided by the Social Security Administration at no cost to the public. Follow the link for workshop: Medicare 101 – Navigating the Complexities
- Social Security 101 – Everything You Wanted to Know
Learn more about social security with Jack Burns, Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Security Administration in Arizona. This workshop and others are provided by the Social Security Administration at no cost to the public. Follow the link for the workshop: Social Security 101 – Everything You Wanted To Know
All questions on the live webinars can be directed to Jack Burns or for more online programming at the Phoenix Public Library Website.
- Click here to download – November 2024 COPRA Chronicle Issue
- Mark your 2024 calendars: – Board Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the Month – 1/11, 2/8, 4/11, 5/19, 9/12, 10/10, 11/14 10 a.m. to noon., Location: Washington Activity Center, 2240 W Citrus, Phoenix 85015 in the Yucca Room
Membership Is Our Strength
COPRA’s continued success depends upon your active membership! Many improvements and protections of our pensions and other retirement benefits have come through the efforts of COPRA, a tireless advocate for City of Phoenix retirees
Don’t miss what’s new in this month’s Chronicle – become a member for access to the Monthly Chronical. Follow link for membership: Official COPRA Website – City of Phoenix Retirees Association.